Ariana does self fisting!

By HAWTIES, 20 February, 2024

The reason why I do porn is simply because it's fun. Some people think of it as a way of degrading my body but I dont see it that way. Yes I'm showing off to everyone and anyone but I feel comfortable enough to do so. Porn expecially has made me feel so much more confident within myself and with other people. Like I said before, it's fun not just any boring ordinary at home sex. I love the excitement and mystery of it! And if its so bad... why are you watching it? :p The people I've met are so cool and even though we havent met before, its like we already have a bond and are so confortable with each other you never would have guessed we just met. Which if you ask me, is really cool. I don't go shopping very often and when I do I take one look at the price tag and immidently put it back. You want how much for a small little revealing top?! No thank you! I find it very hard to justify little things like that! I don't watch tv often. In fact I don't even have cable or anything, I just use the little rabbit ear antennas to pick up a few channels. And when i saw a few I literally only have three! Mostly, if I'm watching tv, it'll just be the news. Im more spirtual then religious. I dont know why but I have some weird fasination with the budda guy. Theres just somthing about it that draws me in but I'm not Buddist. If I had the motivation to go to college for years and years I'd go to study psychiatry. I find those sorts of things very interesting. Im not a fan of doing the same thing over and over or rewatching the same movie or read the same book, I would rather try something completely new. I'll try anything at least once. However, if your tempting me with rewatching a Zac Efron movie, I will definanly make an exception! Even though I dont garden or cook, I like the idea of it. I wish I could cook but everything I make turns out completely wrong! I once made chocolate chip cookies and they turned out white. How that happens I have no idea. I find body piercings and tattoos to be very attractive! Although I dont have one now, I'd like to eventually get a sleeve. Not anytime in the near future though because I'd like to be set in my career first and I want to look as natural as possible in my wedding dress for when I eventually get married. So someday! Whenever I'm out and I see any change on the ground I pick it up unless its heads down. In that case I flip it over so the next person who sees it and goes for it has good luck the rest of the day :) Although I'm sure theres much more I could tell you about me, I think this is a pretty good overview!
